Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Master Slave Dialect Essay

The insightful analysis of Hegel in his ‘Phenomenology of Spirit’ concerning the development of self consciousness revolves around the important impulse to â€Å"Self Consciousness† in which he details the master/slave dialectic. Contrary to preceding German Idealists, Hegel does not hold the assumption that the conscious agent is self conscious a priori; rather, the agent must establish this notion of self-conception through experience. This experience become developed through time and is therefore associated with the concept of â€Å"history†. It can even be claimed that any development of self consciousness must be conditioned historically as much as it draws upon the demands of desire and the means to its sating. Self consciousness is therefore far from innate with regard to individual agent. This break with tradition appears to be in arguing that self consciousness emerges out of non-self consciousness over time in a process which is conditioned historically. Commentators are however not in agreement in regard to the specifics of this historical process and its holistic ontological location, particularly in the nature of the process which underlies the development of self consciousness. Alexandre Kojeve finds Hegel’s dialectic of the mater/slave relationship to be referring to historically conditioned, material processes. The basic question concerns the amount of historicity required for the development of self consciousness: is it a purely external process brought about by the conflict between two living beings, or is it an internal struggle that encompasses the conflict between various faculties? Kojeve argues for the former interpretation. Kojeve on the Historicity of the Master/Slave Dialectic Kojeve’s analysis of the master/slave dialectic integrates Marxist conception of class struggle with Hegel’s phenomenological account. Beginning with Hegel’s view of desire, Kojeve holds the assumption that the physical creature is the basic unit of consciousness and the locus of desiring. It is from this foundation that humans, together with animals, have desire referred to as the drive to alter external shapes or forms of being to that which would suit their own interests and being. Desire seeks to transform the world, to negate the external object in its own existence and put it to the use of the desiring being. Kojeve, for instance, points to the desire of hunger as a clear example of a desire that a being has that negates the very existence of an object through radical change. The essence of human being lies in this power of negation; he argues that man is negating action, which transforms given being and by transforming it, transforms itself (Kojeve, 1980: 38). The difference that lies between human desire and animal desire is that human desire goes so far as to surpass itself. Humans possess desires that result in the negation of their conception as natural beings. This leads to the possibility of self consciousness which needs â€Å"transcendence of self with respect to self as given† (ibid 39). The key to this transcendence could be human desire if it focuses on that which liberates oneself from that mode of being. The ability to desire non-being is characteristically human and enables an individual to free himself from the concept of being that so enslaves human life. Instead of corresponding to the pulls and pushes of nature, humans can employ desire to transcend the mere â€Å"freedom of the turnspit† and achieve self consciousness. Kojeve is stressing on the biological basis of the master/slave relationship by labeling biological drives â€Å"desires†. The major difference between humans and animals is the ability of humans to desire non-being or death. According to Kojeve, the ability to desire non-being is the extreme limiting case of human freedom. Humans are free from their essence in the most basic way possible; they can opt to end it through their own desires. It is at this point that a desiring consciousness makes the realization that there are more than objects of desire in the world. The desiring subject becomes cognizant of other conscious beings in the world. According to Kojeve, a conscious being can only be satisfied when the other desiring conscious meets its desire for recognition. This is not a natural reciprocation from other beings, and the consequent lines of action are competitive in nature. There exists a struggle between the two agents in a life and death fight for recognition of the other. It appears that since humans demand recognition from the other being and possess the capacity to transcend natural animal desires through the desire of non-being, a struggle ensues between these desires. It seems as if Kojeve is arguing that freedom and ultimate worth reside in the ability of the being to defy nature and desire, and risking destruction in the face of inclinations towards natural preservation. Why is this risk being taken? The non-essential end of this endeavor is identification from another desiring consciousness. The only moment that animals seem to risk their lives is when they are pursuing the means to preserve their life. Humans on the other hand can defy nature to achieve desired recognition from other creatures of the same capabilities. Recognition cannot be gained from any animal in this scheme. It must be from a being that can also risk all of its natural prerogatives in the pursuit of the same end of recognition. Kojeve conceives of Hegel’s transition from a life and death struggle to one in which no being dies as a last and irreducible premise in the Phenomenology. It appears to be a mere assumption that the deadly struggle ends in one being assuming the role of the master and the other of the slave. According to Kojeve, this results from the ability of the master, and the inability of the slave to resist his natural instincts for survival. The master was strong enough to continue risking his life, while the slave eventually succumbed to his natural desires and attempted to preserve his life through assuming the role of the slave. Kojeve suggests that, â€Å"the vanquished has subordinated his human desire for recognition to the biological desire preserve life. The victor has risked his life for a non-vital end† (ibid 42). At the beginning of the struggle, the two agents appear to be unequal with regard to resolution and stamina. The one who is to be the slave is not capable of continuing the struggle and is therefore forced into subjection as the only way of preserving his life. It must be judged therefore that if both agents had similar resolution and power, the struggle could possibly and with both being slain. This is of course a condition that would not aid the establishment of self consciousness or the extension of biological life, perhaps explaining which Hegel stresses on the ascendance of one master and the servitude of one slave. The work of the slave is the intermediary between the master and the world of nature. According to Kojeve, it is this work that enables the master to satisfy all his needs without personal expectation; the master desires while the work of the slave bends nature to meet these desires. From the master’s perspective, desire is followed by immediate satisfaction. From the perspective of the slave, the desire of another is answered with their labor, which then results in the other’s desire being satisfied. In this scheme, the master is tied to the drives of nature; while he could risk his own natural drives to secure recognition from the subjugated other, his courage and freedom then faded into a mere pursuit of particular biological desires. According to Kojeve, the master remains a natural being, an animal since he maintains this state of egocentric desire and the satisfaction of desire. The actual action of negation and transformation that is achieved in the instantiated relationship of the master and the slave appears in that of the slave. He is the one that is acting and transforming the world, whereas the master merely has desires qua natural being. Given this foundation, Kojeve realizes that the base is set for the possibility of a historical process which is holistically the history of the Fights and the Work that finally ended in the Napoleonic wars and the table on which Hegel wrote the Phenomenology so as to comprehend both those wars and the table. History starts with the resolution of the initial struggle into two classes, those of the master and slave. All material products and future struggle are to be comprehended within this simple framework of master/slave dialectic. History is nothing but a product of the master/slave struggle, made up of entirely of such struggles, and is no more when such struggles end physically. The materialist tendencies in such a conception is quite evident especially when Kojeve remarks that man must always be either master or slave, and that beings must be in a relation with each other for them to be at least considered human. The extreme historicity of the master/slave dialectic is obvious in this conception which is important in describing not only the progress of world history but also the universal history, offering in details the interaction of humanity with the rest of the natural world. According to Hegel, the slave interacts with nature. It therefore follows that natural history details the progress of slave overcoming nature and bending it to its will. The will of the slave is however not the operative force here; instead, it is the master’s mediated will that drives the slave to his interaction with nature through his labor. According to Kojeve, it is this fundamental interaction with nature that enables the dialectic reversal of the master’s dominance and the slave’s subservience in the Phenomenology. The reading of Hegel’s master/slave dialectic by Kojeve is quite materially founded in its historicity. It involves conflict of individuals or groups, and requires that they resolve into two groups; those that fear death and become the slaves and those that can surpass this fear of death by risking their life and become masters. History starts with this struggle, and the entire history is the continuation of this struggle until the slaves are finally freed from the tyranny of the masters. The sources of this ultimate freedom are work, fear, and service, but only after the slave journeys through a series of ideologies, by which he seeks to justify himself, his slavery, to reconcile the ideal of freedom with the fact of slavery (ibid, 53). The final point of history, according to Kojeve, is when the physical struggle between mater and slave ultimately ceases. History reaches its final point since it is nothing but the constant struggle between masters and slaves. It is in this note that Kojeve ignores much of Hegel’s true purpose behind Phenomenology. Inadequacy of Kojeve’s formulation The materialist reading of the master/slave dialectic has been characterized by much criticism owing to what it has ignored concerning Hegel’s phenomenology. In emphasizing on the purely external struggle between two agents, such a reading simplifies the integral, internal role of another in the establishment of the subject’s self consciousness. Kojeve unduly restricts the master/slave analysis in Hegel’s Phenomenology to the external struggle between two creatures. The true reading of this dialectic must encompass other perspectives as well. The master/slave dialectic can be explicated from three perspectives. The first is the social which is exclusively adopted by Kojeve. This reading focuses on the physical, actual struggle of persons or groups to acquire recognition and power. It is however not enough to take this social perspective for the entire master/slave dialectic. The psychological perspective complements it, which regards the dialectic as an interpersonal struggle within the individual ego. With this regard, the master and slave are various powers or patterns of the mind itself. The latter perspective is one of fusion between the previous two perspectives; the ego is changed by internal processes that are set in motion due to the external struggle between agents. As far as the limitations of the social perspective is concerned, there is no problem with Kojeve’s analysis. The actual disagreement with Kojeve is enabling the historicity of the psychological account of the master/slave dialectic without reducing it to material conflict between physical agents. The heart of Hegel’s though is the Platonic parallel between conflict in the stater and conflict in the individual agent. According to this interpretation, the quest for harmony will enable the master/slave dialectic on the levels of both the social and the psychological. The psychological perspective on this dialectic is required to comprehend the succeeding development of self consciousness. Vital to this conception is the idea that the faculties of the ego must contend in order to act because a single comprehensive faculty, regardless of the number of egos, would render them either completely static or completely destructive. Therefore, internal conflict must underlie any external conflict. There is thus the possibility of giving a psychological interpretation of the master/slave dialectic as a struggle within the soul, of the ego striving for self consciousness. Problem with Kojeve according to Carl Schmitt and Emmanuel Levinas The fundamental commonality between Schmitt and Levinas is their replacement of a Hegelian conception of politics as a struggle for recognition emanating from an originary battle to the death with the view that the originary relationship is rather between the rescuer and the victim, always in the presumed presence of some third whose ethical position is not known. At the end of a century that is characterized and dominated by the dialectic of revolution and counter revolution, a shift to Levinas and/or Schmitt can help in understanding the post cold war linkage between the global and the local as a humanitarian relation between the rescuers and the victims and a political doctrine of preemptive third party intervention. Lavina argues that, by relating to beings in the openness of being, understanding finds a meaning for them in terms of being (Lavina, 2006: 87). With this regard, understanding does not invoke them but only names them. Understanding therefore carries an act of violence and of negation. Violence is therefore a partial negation. This partial negation can be defined by the fact that without disappearing, beings are within ones power. Violence denies the independence of beings. Possession is the means whereby a being, while existing, is partially denied. Lavina holds that it is not merely a fact that the being is an instrument and a tool, that is, as a means, it is also an end. According to Lavinas, peace is the paradigmatic ethical relation between one and another in proximity. As a relationship of pure exteriority of two neighbors, each of whom is incapable of knowing the other’s inner life, peace is entirely different in its origin and demands from the political pursuit of justice. Lavinas sees the responsibility for other human being as anterior to every question. Lavinas acknowledges politics as involving comparison, reciprocity and equality which is external to ethics and is always about peace rather than justice, and presumes human incommensurability. The specific political distinction to which political actions can be reduced is that between friend and enemy according to Schmitt (Schmitt, 1996: 26). The antithesis of friend and enemy does not contradict to the relatively independent criteria of other antitheses. He conceives of the distinction between friend and enemy to denote the utmost degree of intensity of union or separation, association or dissociation. It can exist both in theory and in practice without having to draw from other distinctions. His view shifts from that of Kojeve in the sense that he conceives of the other not to be necessarily an economic competitor. In other words, he does not view master/slave dialectic in the sense that Kojeve views it. According to him, a political enemy does not necessarily have to appear as a competitor. According to him, only the actual participants can correctly identify, comprehend and judge the concrete situation and settle the extreme case of conflict. Each participant, he argues, is in a position to judge whether the adversary intends to negate his opponent’s way of life and therefore must be repulsed or fought in order to preserve one’s own form of existence (Schmitt, 1996: 27). Terrorism as it pertains to master slave dialect Terrorism is an ideology of violence meant to intimidate or cause terror for the aim of exerting pressure on decision making by state bodies. It encompasses a series of acts that are meant to spread intimidation, panic, and destruction in a population. These acts can either be carried out by individuals and groups that are opposing a state or acting on behalf of the state. The question of violence is closely connected with sovereignty. The master slave dialectic must be a violence that makes sense, violence that results in the production of sense in the form of man and history. Terrorism on the other hand is a senseless violence that lays waste without recognition. In order to produce history, the master slave dialectic must produce the positions of master and slave. Because the master has not encountered death in all its terrifying reality as the absolute master and the slave has, the slave possesses the power over the master. In this situation, the act of terrorism is a struggle between masters and slaves. The terrorists have confronted the reality of death. Having defeated the slave, the master forced him to work. This labor implies that while the master is idle, the slave labors at transforming the world. The transforming labor of the slave eventually gives it the power to take up once the liberating Fight for recognition that he refused initially for fear of death. Terrorism thus becomes an element of a struggle between the master and the slave. According to master slave dialectic, the course of history is determined by this struggle.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

A Close Look at Bangladesh

The People’s Republic of Bangladesh, also known as Bangladesh, is one of the youngest nations historically. Established in 1971, the country has undergone various battles to win its independence, including those to fight for its religion and its language. At present, Bangladesh is one of the unfamiliar states in Asia, continuously fighting overpopulation, poverty, and political unrest (Whyte & Lin, 2009). Bangladesh is geographically situated in South Asia, bordered by Myanmar in the southeast and India in the north, west, and northeast.The most essential feature of the country is its â€Å"web of rivers† that molded its culture and lifestyle positively in terms of transportation and hydroelectric power and negatively with massive flooding (Whyte & Lin, 2009). The total area of Bangladesh is roughly 144,000 square kilometers, which is a bit smaller than Iowa. The estimate population of the country is 158 million, which makes it the seventh most populous in the world (CI A, n. d. ) I. GovernmentThe politics of Bangladesh has witnessed several changes with the shifting of the forms of government from parliamentary in 1972, to presidential in 1975, to martial law in 1981 and back to parliamentary in 1991 (Whyte & Lin, 2009). At present, the nation is ruled by the chief of state, President Zillur Rahman, and the head of government, Prime Minister Sheik Hasina Wajed. Members of the cabinet are handpicked by the prime minister and appointed by the president. The legislative branch is led by the unicameral National Parliament elected by the people.The Supreme Court is headed by chief justices and other judges appointed by the president (CIA, n. d. ). Ahmed (2004) further describes politics in Bangladesh as a constant chat topic in all parts of the country. He further likened Bangladeshi politicians to that of the country’s rivers – changing their courses unpredictably, overflowing their banks and submerging new lands. Moreover, the capital o f Bangladesh is Dhaka. It is further divided into seven administrative divisions, namely, Barisal, Chittagong, Dhaka, Khulna, Rajshahi, Rangpur, and Syllhet (CIA, n.d. ). The nation as a developing country is characterized by corruption brought about by indecisiveness of politicians, politicization of the civil service, and nepotism among civil servants. According to the World Bank, should Bangladesh lessen corrupt practices in its government, it is possible that it will enjoy an improved economic status (Ahmed, 2004). II. Economy One of the poorest nations in the world – this is what typically defines the economy of Bangladesh.The nation relies primarily in agriculture, livestock, and forestry, with crop agriculture as the main contributor in the country’s GDP (Ahmed, 2004). Nonetheless, one-third of its population still lives below the poverty line (CIA, n. d. ). Because of this, Bangladesh relies heavily from foreign aid, which it uses to improve its agriculture and support efforts to advance society. One sector that is being developed to help Bangladeshi economy is energy, namely, gas, oil, and mineral explorations that currently attract foreign investors.Another element that keeps its economy afloat is foreign trade (Ahmed, 2004). It exports garments, frozen fish and seafood, jute and jute products, and leather to the United States, Germany, and the United Kingdom, among others (CIA, n. d. ). Moreover, export of labor also contributes highly to the economy with most Bangladeshi working overseas such as in Saudi Arabia and Malaysia (Ahmed, 2004). Still, unemployment needs to be prioritized as unemployment rate is at an estimated 2. 5 percent, which the nineteenth highest in the world. III. Religious PracticesReligion is a significant part of Bangladeshi society. In fact, religion is an important element of people’s self-identity. More than three-fourths of the population are Sunni Muslims, ten percent are Hindus and the others are Chri stians and Theravada-Hinayana Buddhists. The Constitution upholds Islam as the state religion but allows each citizen to practice his faith according to his choice. Furthermore, the government has established imam training academies and proclaimed Islamic days of festivals. Moreover, each religion has its own set of laws.For instance, Muslim men are allowed to marry up to four times but society discourages this practice; Christian men can marry just one woman; Hindus can practice unlimited polygamy; but marriages between members of different religions were unrestricted. In addition, important religious festivals and holy days of all religious groups are observed as national holidays (US Department of State, 2007) IV. Language The official language of Bangladesh is Bangla or Bengali, which is the native tongue of more than 98 percent of the population.However, many also speak English and Urdu. Bangla’s influences include Islam, Arabic, and English (Kwintessential, n. d. ) V. E ducational System Since a huge portion of the population experiences poverty, the educational system in Bangladesh is highly subsidized. Schooling is divided into primary, secondary, and higher secondary levels. Tertiary education is also provided in universities and affiliated colleges. In all levels, students can opt to be educated under Bangla or English medium (Prime Minister’s Office, n. d. ). VI. Norms and ValuesIn Bangladesh, age generally tells how one is addressed. If people are of the same age, first names are used but if the person being addressed is older, he is called by his first name and a suffix that indicates the family relationship. Moreover, gift-giving is important for Bangladeshis. For instance, bringing of pastries or sweets is encouraged in visiting a home; offering of frangipanis, white flowers, alcohol, products with non-halal meat, and even money are discouraged; opening gifts in front of the giver is likewise discouraged; and gift-giving should be d one with both hands.Moreover in eating, directly turning down an invitation is impolite; many eat with their hands so asking of utensils is rude; meals will be shared by the same sex; guests are served first; and the oldest person at the table eats first; passing of food and drinks is done with the right hand only. Furthermore in communication, Bangladeshis tend to communicate indirectly so their body language needs to be understood as well. Nonetheless, they stand close when speaking to someone of the same gender (Kwintessential, n. d. ). VII. ConclusionTo conclude, Bangladesh has come a long way from its establishment 40 years ago. Nonetheless, it has a lot to learn in terms of political stability and economic development. Still, the nation has reasons to be proud of such as its religion, language, and values that has established its identity as a free nation. References Ahmed, S. (2004). Bangladesh: Past and Present. New Delhi: A. P. H. Publishing Corporation. CIA. (n. d. ). Sout h Asia: Bangladesh. The World Factbook. Retrieved from https://www. cia. gov/library/publications/the-world-factbook/geos/bg. html Kwintessential.(n. d. ). Bangladesh – language, culture, customs, and etiquette. Retrieved from http://www. kwintessential. co. uk/resources/global-etiquette/bangladesh. html Prime Minister’s Office. (n. d. ). Education system in Bangladesh. National Web Portal of Bangladesh. Retrieved from http://www. bangladesh. gov. bd/index. php? option=com_content&task=category&id=33&Itemid=27 U. S. Department of State. (2007). Bangladesh. Retrieved from http://www. state. gov/g/drl/rls/irf/2007/90226. htm Whyte, M. & Lin, Y. L. (2009). Cultures of the World: Bangladesh. New York: Marshall Cavendish.

Monday, July 29, 2019

ApushRevolution of 1800

Previous presidents had done what they could to stay neutral in foreign battles and conflicts, but Thomas Jefferson took initiative and this is also present in the XYZ affairs with France. Jefferson brought the country into its real first international involvement. With judiciary, the real revolutionary happening of the time period was with the Marbury vs. Madison case when the Supreme Court was given the power of judicial review of the laws and actions by the federal government. It allowed for the Supreme Court to rule federal laws invalid if they conflicted with the Constitution. Politically, Jefferson believed in strict interpretation of the Constitution unlike his predecessors. He bought the Louisiana Purchase which the Constitution did not fully allow him to do. Under Federalist views, the economy of the United States was looking to be increasingly more urban with a shift from agricultural ways. With Thomas Jefferson being elected into office, he hoped that America would maintain a strict agrarian economy with crops being the top export to foreign countries. He wanted Americans to stay a primarily rural-living nation with farming the main aspect of the economy. The election of 1800 was also considered a revolution because politics changed hands from Federalists with strict views on centralization and creating a stronger national government to Republicans with the hopes of creating strong state legislatures and a stricter foreign policy where manufacturing was less important. The succession of Republicans contributed to it being called a revolution. ApushRevolution of 1800 Previous presidents had done what they could to stay neutral in foreign battles and conflicts, but Thomas Jefferson took initiative and this is also present in the XYZ affairs with France. Jefferson brought the country into its real first international involvement. With judiciary, the real revolutionary happening of the time period was with the Marbury vs. Madison case when the Supreme Court was given the power of judicial review of the laws and actions by the federal government. It allowed for the Supreme Court to rule federal laws invalid if they conflicted with the Constitution. Politically, Jefferson believed in strict interpretation of the Constitution unlike his predecessors. He bought the Louisiana Purchase which the Constitution did not fully allow him to do. Under Federalist views, the economy of the United States was looking to be increasingly more urban with a shift from agricultural ways. With Thomas Jefferson being elected into office, he hoped that America would maintain a strict agrarian economy with crops being the top export to foreign countries. He wanted Americans to stay a primarily rural-living nation with farming the main aspect of the economy. The election of 1800 was also considered a revolution because politics changed hands from Federalists with strict views on centralization and creating a stronger national government to Republicans with the hopes of creating strong state legislatures and a stricter foreign policy where manufacturing was less important. The succession of Republicans contributed to it being called a revolution.

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Membrane filtration (expriment) Lab Report Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Membrane filtration (expriment) - Lab Report Example As potable water is procured from surface sources such as rivers, streams and lakes, bacteriological examination is crucial to determine the safety of drinking water. Presence of Enterococcus faecalis, Escherichia coli, Enterobacter aerogens and Proteus mirabilis in water sample was estimated using membrane filtration followed by incubation of the membrane filter in appropriate growth media to examine the determine the presence of pathogenic micro-organism. The motive to perform this study was to determine the presence of unknown organism(s) present in the provided samples. The study encompasses classification of bacteria based on their bio-chemical reactions, pH levels and osmoregulation. Identification and classification of bacteria from the sample is pragmatic as presence of any pathogenic micro-organism could be deleterious to health. Identification of bacteria provides line of treatment. The three preliminary steps for the analysis procedure comprise principal isolation, stainin g and biochemical reactions as the samples may contain diverse microorganism belonging to different species. Hypothesis to be tested: (1) Fecal coliform count of surface water samples differ according to their location. (2) Fecal coliform count of surface water samples do not differ according to their location. Introduction Microbes are indispensible module of our environment. They are associated in a variety of ways with everything we use in our everyday lives (Fratamico, 2005). They are found to be associated with the food that we eat, the clothes we wear/make use of and water we drink/utilize. They may perhaps influence the quality of our lives and transmit numerous diseases (Fratamico, 2005). It is therefore essential to understand the microbes linked with the commodities used in everyday life. Water free from disease-producing microorganisms and chemical substances deleterious to health is called potable water. Water contaminated with either domestic or industrial wastes is cal led non-potable or polluted water. The objectives of primary concern in providing potable water are freedom from harmful microorganisms and from undesirable chemicals. Water appearing clean or free from peculiarities of odor and taste could be contaminated. In such conditions special procedures are required to determine its sanitary quality. Inspection of water sample involves the inspection of the source of raw water and the conditions that may influence its quality. Changes related to population, types of industry and the method of sewage disposal are imperative. Practically, periodic and comprehensive sanitary surveys are necessary. However, potability can be determined only by chemical and bacteriological laboratory tests (Pelczar, 1993). Pathogens that gain entry into the water body include protozoan such as Giardia and Cryptosporidium, bacteria such as Campylobacter, Salmonella and Shigella and virus associated with water contamination are Hepatitis A virus and Norwalk virus. However, water is tested for the fecal contamination. As coliforms are discharged through feces the water sample containing fecal matter comprises pathogenic organisms as well. Essentially water sources such as wells, reservoirs, and storage tanks are routinely tested for water safety (Case Study Exercise 29: Measure of Water Quality: Membrane Filtration Method). Lifestyle modifications and

Dickens's Treatment of Social Mobility and Education in Our Mutual Essay

Dickens's Treatment of Social Mobility and Education in Our Mutual Friend - Essay Example .... as public figures, Dickens and Thackeray were more than just novelists, and even more than just literary figures. Throughout his career, Dickens lent his backing to a number of reform causes: reform of prison conditions, emigration policy, education, the civil service". (Knezevic,2003) Though Our Mutual Friend received mixed reviews at the time of its publication, it is known today as one of the best social novels by Dickens, whose concern for the ailments of his contemporary society was unflagging and remained undiminished till the end. Of course, through the comic genre Dickens has sought to vanquish the prevalent negatives of education and social mobility. His weapons of choice are humor and scarcely restrained sarcasm. But in this novel more than in any other, the attack is directed not so much at the logistical problems facing education and vertical social movement, but at the moral problems behind them: "Our Mutual Friend may be a searching attack on contemporary society, but it is one which is much more moral than Marxist". (Fielding, 1958) All Dickensian novels include an aspect of social mobility, whether in the aspirations of Pip in Great Expectations, or the plight of Nicholas in Nicholas Nickleby, Dickens had always felt compelled to examine the phenomenon of social mobility in the Victorian times. And this is a compulsion he retained to the very end, in Our Mutual Friend. This could be because it was so much in evidence in the Victorian times and also because social mobility by its nature is very complex and fascinating,: "Social mobility processes are integral to the very metabolism and core regulation of societies, both to their continuity and change over time. It is through such processes that basic social structures of class, status, and situs (branches of industry) are reproduced or transformed, emerge or disappear; that societies themselves move forward, consolidate or splinter, that institutions and enterprises recruit, that families launch their children, that individuals imagine and seek personal fulfilment in their lives".(Bertaux, Thompson, 1997) Britain during Dickens' life and times was a rapidly evolving nation, the very first in the world to be industrialised, and its society was changing in pace with this industrialisation. Social mobility was not only possible in such times of flux, it actually came to be expected, and indeed, taken for granted. The prevalence of social mobility produced the likes of Podsnap, Headstone, Bella and Charles Hexam, each an individual shaped by the socio-economic forces, who Dickens satirised in an effort to highlight the evils of social mobility without at least a degree of moral application. Dickens himself had moved up in life from having had to work in a shoe-black bottling company as a child, to becoming one of the most prominent personages in Victorian Britain. Social mobility and its various aspects were thus naturally reflected in a major part of his extensive body of work. But in Our Mutual Friend, Dickens takes his concerns regarding social mobility to a new level and examines it with great intensity, and also to quite a great extent: "We see in Our Mutual Friend what Dickens thinks of wealth for its own sake and how the rich

Saturday, July 27, 2019

World civilization Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

World civilization - Essay Example Apart from distance another important factor was strong devotion of Russians towards their Byzantine legacy and Orthodox traditions. Russians developed important parallels with the western society. Russians had strong belief towards their political unification because they were under the rule of single prince and single dynasty during the particular period (Anderson 21). After the death of the prince, the powerful Kievan principality disintegrated into opposing political units. Russia created a structure of rules, which was virtually unknown by the European countries. The differences between Russia and Europe continued for a long period of time from 1250 to 1700. The absolute monarchy prevailed roughly under the rule of Peter the Great during the eighteenth century. The style of ruling empire was completely different from several western countries, such as France or Prussia that left the ruling style diverse. From the above discussion it is clear that the ruling style of Russia was different from western countries due to various factors including large distance between the countries and strong adherence towards their orthodox

Friday, July 26, 2019

European Law - law essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 5000 words

European Law - law - Essay Example This exemption is also available to agreements, which engender technical or economic progress that proves beneficial to consumers. However, these agreements should not destroy the competitive market for similar products1. The Commission had published the Guidelines with regard to the applicability of Article 81 EC to horizontal cooperation agreements. By virtue of these Guidelines, the Commission has expanded its erstwhile perspective and relies on the market power of companies as the most suitable test in this context. In this manner, the Commission is aiming to render the prerequisites for applying Article 81(1) EC, proximate to the merger control norms. This approach seems to be unjustified from the perspective of policy decision, because it relaxes the standards set out for the relevant markets. In addition, it is also inadequate from a legal point of view, for the implementation of the provisions of Article 81(1) EC; because, the market power of companies constitutes an inappropriate test in this regard2. In order to adopt an economics – based application of Article 81(1) EC, the Commission would be hard placed to acquire the necessary human resources, which could prove to be quite burdensome. Furthermore, Article 81 EC does not cover all agreements. It only covers agreements that restrict competition. The Commission had extended its application purview to new thresholds such as free market shares through the Notice on agreements of minor importance of 2001. This Notice deals with agreements that impose non – appreciable horizontal and vertical restrictions on competition. However, it excludes hard core restrictions. The new parameters could possibly exclude agreements between small and medium sized companies3. Agreements, that attempt to prevent, distort or restrict competition in the common market, are in violation of Article 81(1) EC. If an agreement violates Article 81(1) EC, then it is not necessary to

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Nternational Relations Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Nternational Relations - Essay Example This was mainly achieved through the department of security sending us troops to war torn countries to bring peace and also engaging warring groups in peace talks. It is noted that America was greatly involved in the creation of the international court of justice in Yugoslavia to bring to book the perpetrators of crimes during the long period of war that hit the nation (Sewall, Sarah, & Carl). The perpetrators of the Rwandan genocide were also charged before an international court, which was established in Kampala by the efforts of the American government in its bid to ensure international peace and security is maintained at all times. USA has always been in the forefront agitating for global peace, and that can be denoted by its numerous efforts in implementing that very policy. That notwithstanding in 1990 it was the US government that came up with the idea of coming up with an international court that would be responsible of prosecuting individuals who committed certain crimes that jeopardize international peace and security (Sewall, Sarah, & Carl). It is from this idea that the Rome Statue was developed and implemented to create the international criminal court which is responsible of ensuring perpetrators of crimes against humanity are prosecuted and charged according to the procedures of the court regardless of the legal procedures that exist in their respective countries of residence. The US government was committed to the constitution of the Rome statue until it reached a point where the interests of the US governments and those of its citizens were not considered in the provisions that sought to form the international criminal court. It is from this instance that USA decided to cut its cooperation and support of the whole process which would later come to from the ICC (Sewall, Sarah & Carl). USA as the world superpower is involved in a number of

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

An Ancient Tragedy Oedipus King Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

An Ancient Tragedy Oedipus King - Essay Example This is because; it utilizes the universal literary devices in a very effective manner. As will discuss, in this paper. The play is about a young boy, and his parents. The boy’s name is Oedipus. He was the son of a king (Laius). The king finds an oracle, which was predicting the fate of his son. The oracle was foretelling that the king’s life would be taken away by his own son, who would then take over his wife. The son’s sole intention of killing his father was to marry his own mother; due to this, when Oedipus was born, the king tied his legs and discarded him on a mountain, with a hope that nature would take over the role of eliminating him from the world. This was a strategic manner, of preventing the oracle’s prophecy from taking place. Unfortunately, the young boy did not die. He was saved by a shepherd and landed on another king’s palace (King Polybus). Polybus was the king of Corinth. When the shepherd handed him Oedipus, the king took him i n whole heartedly, as he did not have a son of his own. Oedipus grew up believing that Polybus was his real father. However, as time passed, Oedipus began questioning his parentage. He decided to consult with Delphic god and heard some word leading him to Laius. He fled from his foster father’s house. During his flee; he unwillingly murdered his real father. Coincidentally, when he went to Thebes, he answered a riddle correctly. This earned him a ticket to the bereaved king’s house. He took over the kingship and married the king’s wife. They were very successful in life and bore children. However, there came a great calamity in the town. On consulting the oracle, it was realized that he there was blood guiltiness. Oedipus denounced the crime, as he was not aware of it. He puts his foot forward to track the person responsible for the crime. Gradually, the play reveals that Oedipus is the man responsible for his own father’s death. One of the major themes o f this play is the theme of fate. To begin with, the oracle to Laius states clearly Laius’ fate; â€Å" he would demise a victim, at his son’s hands.† (711-714). In addition, Oedipus says â€Å"I was destined to sleep with my mother†¦I was fated to take the life of my father† (791-793). Both oracles show that fate was the determinants of the main characters life, and so they could do nothing about it. The theme of fate and fortune recurs in many parts of the play. For instance, fortune made it possible for Oedipus life to be saved from the mountains. Fate made Oedipus start questioning his parentage and made him flee away from his foster father’s house. The killing of his real father was an act of fate. The manner in which Oedipus came to sleep with his own mother can only be explained by fate. It is also fate that led Oedipus, to his real father’s kingdom. Most incidences in the play are beyond human understanding and can only be expla ined as destiny. Fate is a common theme amongst many Greek writings. The writer of this play was not an exception and utilized this theme perfectly. This theme helps explain things that are beyond human understanding, and hence is considered as a very strong literature device. Another theme of the play is that of freewill. The play reflects that human’s freewill has its own limit. As much as human beings have a desire for things to go according to their own wish, it is not always possible to accomplish this. For

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Argument essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 2

Argument - Essay Example This is therefore quite unfair more so for the â€Å"less genius† children who desire to further their education in a bid attain diplomas and degrees. It is, however, worth noting that due to the hardness and difficulty of the exam, people studying in China have become more smart and innovative since it increases the children’s thinking capacity. In U.S, however, education system is based on student’s abilities and talents. Equally important, studying in the US to gives me the chance expand my horizon since it gives me a wide pool of opportunities more so when it comes to the job market. By learning in the US, I have been able to learn numerous things in life that I could not have imagined or done if I had decided to learn in China. The US is among the most developed countries, and it possess a highly innovative and technologized systems across its various industries. Studying in America therefore enables me to gather the knowledge needed to operate these systems and thus subsequently expanding my horizon. However, I think one can also expand their horizon while learning in China too since China is equally highly industrialized and technologized. Conclusively, I am for the opinion that studying in the US is a good idea since it has numerous advantages and opportunities. In fact, I think that studying in the US enables me to interact with people of various diversities thus enabling me to have a diverse mind. Therefore, I recommend that other educational systems, the Chinese education system to be precise, to follow the American example. I also think that studying in the US increases my chances of attaining high level education from well-established universities, since I can learn numerous new concepts due to diversity. Therefore, I think every person who has the will and ability to study in the US should take that opportunity without a moment of

Cashflow Statements - Three examples Essay Example for Free

Cashflow Statements Three examples Essay Accounts Payable increased in both first years, especially in 1990. For 1991 the amount decreased. III) Assessment of the financial strength: Own assessment of the financial strength of the company, why? The Gamma Corporation realizes a process of restructure and acquisition. A lot of purchases of plant, property, and equipment and high values in depreciation and amortization describe the firm’s situation best whilst it is also well managed  from a financial perspective. Even though the reported net income of especially the last year 1991 shows a clear loss - ­? which may indicate a weak financial situation- ­? the corporation is still stable from a finance perspective and seems to prepare for the future. A restructuring reserve has been implemented which proofs the ongoing restructuring process. The net cash flows from operating activities show over all three years (despite a slight  decrease) a financially stable situation in the case of operating cash flows. Also, the corporation still disposes a huge amount of cash and cash equivalents so that no risk of bankruptcy can be perceived. The company has a safe line of cash reserves each year so far. The only thing unclear is the position of â€Å"Other adjustments† in all three years. All in all, Gamma Corporation seems to be on the right track and setup for the coming financial years.

Monday, July 22, 2019

Porter Five Forces Starbucks Essay Example for Free

Porter Five Forces Starbucks Essay Starbucks, a cofee stores chain, serving million of coffee lovers worldwide every week, highlights ‘humanistic approach in doing business, value system of the company’ for its huge success. The company featuring ‘one of the best 100 companies to work for’ in Fortune Magazine several times speaks on its own about the satisfaction of the employees contributing towards its all time success. Providing a great work environment and treating every employee equally with self respect and dignity will take care of employee motivation according to Friedrick Herzberg’s Two factor theory, a content theory of Motivation, where ‘Hygiene’ and ‘Motivator’ factors are kept intact for employee to work and focus upon. By creating a culture of challenging employees to do their best, the company encourages employees in participating in setting goals, where as difficult goals extracting best performance at times, and specific goals extracting guaranteed performance according to ’ Goal setting Theory’ by Edwin A. Locke, a process theory of Motivation. The company’s motivational program for its employees consists of â€Å"a special blend of employee benefits† and a work / personal life program that focuses on the physical, emotional, mental and creative aspects of each individual which covers the salient features of Motivation theories by Abraham Maslow – Hierarchy of Needs of different levels as well as by Clayton Alderfer’s ERG theory (explaining about needs for existence, relatedness and growth). The company always seeks from its employees what they want individually, and attempts to give work / life solutions and this upholds Motivation process theories Vroom’s expectancy theory and J.Stanley Adams Equity theory as employees put effort as per expectations and objectives and for clear and quantified material benefits. Starbucks trusts all employees, gives freedom of expression, openness, participation and contribution towards the goals of self as well as for company realising the positive aspec ts of Motivational theory by Mc Greg or – Theory x Theory Y – which ultimately aims at delight of internal customers, i.e., employees (called as partners) and keeps going and growing.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Traditional Adventure Stories in the Modern World

Traditional Adventure Stories in the Modern World This essay will critically examine the question What is the place of adventure stories such as Treasure Island in the modern childs world. This essay aims to discuss about the literature of adventures stories and how it could impact childrens life. ?   This essay will discuss the ideology of modern childs fiction and the boundary between the imaginary and real life of children Treasure Island is a captivating tale about complexities of good and evil, adventures at sea and pirates. Treasure Island is written story for boys in which girls are mainly absent. As Stevenson novel combines a familiar search plan structure and as young male hero. This enables to explore a cabin boys identification from being a young innocent boy to an absence of females and family which enabled him to grow with emphasis on independence , physical strength and bravery. Peter Huntdemonstrate that Treasure Island contain a form of social control , As this adventure story shows the desired control of the author and   the ethic of this aspect of childrens fiction conviction that the English were the best race in the world as this may have contributed to the causes of the first world war. As Peter argued that childrens writes must carefully consider the effect their stories have on young readers. I believe that Treasure Island is modern childrens book especially written for younger boys , in which it is purely obvious that girls are not every bit as adventurous as boy that clearly shows the ideologies concerning gender construction.   However adventure stories convey themes of voyages, danger and terror were aimed at boys and men. Such books have been recognised as forms of social control and ways of impact and creating a constructed masculine and feminine identity and cultural norms as well as upgrade ideals of how society should be agreed. Treasure Island deals with survival as ones life from pirates as the environment which makes the innocent cabin boy to become mature throughout his adventure journey. This will impact and teach children the ideas on how to survive on ones own instinct and training. Martin Green describes Treasure Island as deeply the fantasy of men-being-boys, it also describes the fantasy of how boys turn out to be men but as this identification takes place is not morally fantasy but rather divided and marked by class. Stevenson suggests that the purpose of romance is to allow one to escape creatively into a fictive regeneration of the world of his boyhood fantasies, and Treasure Island demonstrates this purpose as the novel call the attention of the children that appeals to their imagination and adventurous side of life. The most remarkable feature of the novel is its insistence on the continuity and similarity of boyish and adult experience, on the submergence of adult moral perspective in a boys point of view. Doyne Farmer defines Adventure fiction is the form of literature most directly connected to storytelling, an art form Adventures fiction has a huge impact of childrens life ethics as well as social morals. The modern childrens adventure novel sometimes deals with controversial issues like terrorism. Jacqueline Rose claims that innocent is not propert of childhood but a portion of adult desire as she explains Peter pan novel contains full of adventures, romance and fiction. She also portrays that adult who publish childrens books are nearly always conscious of conveying morals and values to their young audience, who want to ensure that those morals and values are culturally acceptable. The story start and ends as recollection he modern childrens adventure novel sometimes deals with controversial issues like terrorism we can, perhaps, make pragmatic guesses about what a child can understand, or what is irrelevant to the child and might thus be ignored but these are only guesses. And if one is prepared simply to believe that books do not have the potential to pass on subliminal messages, then why are we as a culture so concerned with the infl uence of advertising or propaganda on the young? Is it because with childrens literature we are dealing with stories, and that stories are, by defi nition, fi ction, untrue and therefore not infl uential? Surely not, when we acknowledge that stories are so powerful throughout the culture. On top of that is the whole question of literacy and understanding. How we measure who understands what is endlessly diffi cult: as Michael Benton, a distinguished educationalist, has observed: There are †¦ few of us who have not felt unnerved at some time by the fact that when children read stories there is no observable outcome †¦ The story has happened inside th e childs head (in Fox, 1983: 19). The awesome complexity of how children learn to read, and then how they negotiate longer texts denotation, connotation, genre, intertextual meanings and all the rest should make us extremely careful about applying the curious formulae that occur so often in literary criticism: the reader sees, we see, and so on (or the equivalent phrases of childrens-book reviewing: children will like, girls will love). The most common, and commonly unchallenged, oddity about all literary criticism is the assumption that all readers will read the same thing from a text: the same images, the same emotions, the same allusions. This is diffi cult enough to imagine among adults even of the same class and same generation in the same country: to imagine that it is possible with inexperienced readers is absurd. If we are engaging with   texts for children we need to see that our motivation does not entitle us to make assumptions about what any reader but ourselves perc eives presented in the novel call the attention of the kids that appeals to their imagination and adventurous side of life The main message of the novel is: the ethics and morality, the values of good and evil are intrinsically ambiguous, so that in the end all choices are to be taken individually as personal acts of assuming ones responsibility in life, towards all others who surround us. So, this novel has everything to be successful between the young and teenagers for the next generations, as it is an up to date novel, that will always serve as an escape from these childrens reality The boundary between the imaginary and the real in the lives of children and the uncertainties openness surrounding both make children especially capable of being moved by stories which give form to the experience of their inner world. When children read fiction they are exposed to the beliefs which inform and structure their society. The books encourage child readers to internalise particular ways of seeing the world and help shape their development as individuals. Although this process forms a key part of their education, it remains largely invisible. As well as a story, fictions impart a significance to readers often without revealing its presence or ground and therefore have considerable potential to socialize their audience. John Stephens analyses this process and shows how fictions can work to constrain or liberate audience responses. He explores picture books as well as historical, realistic and fantastic fictions to show how both a character within the narrative and the implied reader are positioned within ideology. The author considers areas of ideology not previously examined and offers new perspectives on realism and fantasy. The book will be of interest to linguists and teachers as well as to the gene ral reader. This perception is mirrored in the fiction itself in tendency for childrens fiction to focus attention predominantly on the individual psyche. Arguably the most pervasive theme in childrens fiction is the transition with in the individual from infantile solipsism to maturing social awareness. Fiction allows a child to work on a variety of concerns, fears and problems. More often children tend to fantasise being in an imaginary world simply because some of the children cannot differentiate fiction and real life. The experience of childhood can be quite different in cultures in which Fiction has often been used quite consciously as a form of social control, reflecting and endorsing patriarchal societal norms. Damaging and opposing constructions of masculinity and femininity remain pervasive in fiction both influencing and endorsing such dangerous ideals in wider culture.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

The Abolition of Man as Wake Up Call Essay -- Abolition of Man Essays

The Abolition of Man as Wake Up Call    There are three very important ideas that C. S. Lewis explicates in his book, The Abolition of Man. The first essay focuses on moral subjectivism, the second on the Tao, and the third on the consequences of living in a morally relativist society. As a dramatic conclusion to these essays, Lewis asserts that if we do not carefully educate ourselves and accept the authority of the Tao we may become heartless men and women, incapable of governing a society of justice and values.    In the first essay, Lewis communicates his philosophy that education plays an important part in the development of ethical values. In addition to this statement, Lewis asserts that children's readers, guised as harmless texts, can convey hidden messages that have potential to harm a child's developing worldview. Much of the first essay is focused on a schoolbook Lewis called "The Green Book". Although Lewis chose a specific model for "The Green Book", it could easily be any one of a whole generation of schoolbooks. Unfortunately, instead of teaching grammar and good writing as these books profess to do, students learn moral relativism. Lewis, who supports the idea of a Tao, natural law, in the next chapter, believes that youth educated by moral relativism are actually being denied the education needed to appreciate the philosophical claim that certain objects and ideas should hold on them as human beings. Lewis believes that a good education should link their experiences to the prope r emotion. By reinforcing emotional reactions to beautiful objects, values could be ingrained in their minds. By having a system of belief in their consciousness, they were given a vaccination against savagery. Their hearts kne... ...ingrained in our minds that we should be able to choose good without having to stop and think about why we value our choice as good. Antigone is a perfect example of this; she boldly defied the law of the state put forth by Creon because she believed, without question, that her brother's dead body deserved to be buried. It is worth noting that in both of these works, and quite possibly in all of human experience, that natural law (or Tao) comes from a deep authority rather than a power of a state or of one person. In both Abolition of Man and "Antigone," the power of subjective law is always less powerful than the authority of the Tao. The abolition of man provides a clear warning to readers that we, as educated people and consumers of future "Green Books," should heed carefully.    Works Cited: Lewis, C. S. The Abolition of Man. New York: Macmillan, 1965.

Provide Evidence in a Prosecution Case :: science

Provide Evidence in a Prosecution Case Experiments to Provide Evidence in a Prosecution Case with the Pervis Vinegar Company on Unknown Toxins The aim of this experiment is to preform tests on two samples of vinegar, one that is commercially safe and the other not (from the Pervis Company) to determine the unknown toxin contained in the Pervis Vinegar. Materials: * Numerous Beakers/Conical Flasks * Phenolphthalein Indicator * Burette * Numerous Test Tubes * Sticky Tape * Test Tube Rack * Sodium Hydroxide (NaOH) * Calculator * Sample of Commercially Safe Vinegar * 2 Surgical Swabs (large cotton bud) * Sample of Pervis Vinegar (Toxic) * 2 Agar Gel Plates * Universal Indicator * Incubator Oven * Incubator * Bunsen Burner * Water * 2 Small Syringes * Potassium Chromate Solution * Hydrochloric Acid Methods To fully determine and identify the unknown toxin present in the Pervis vinegar sample, four tests were needed. A molarity test was completed, a sample of the vinegar was then allowed to grow on an agar plate to ascertain whether bacteria were present and a pH test would also be done. The final test was a precipitant test to discover if the heavy metal Lead was present in the Pervis sample. A titration experiment was now set up using Sodium Hydroxide solution as the alkali in the burette with a molarity 0.01177 and 25ML of Pervis vinegar was placed in the beaker underneath the burette. Approximately four drops of Phenolphthalein indicator where added to the Pervis vinegar and then the measured amounts of NaOH were slowly added to the vinegar. The burette needed to be refilled several times and the average amount of NaOH solution needed to neutralise the Pervis vinegar was 181.5 ML. That same experiment was then tried using commercially safe vinegar in the beaker below the burette. Four drops of Phenolphthalein indicator were again placed in the vinegar and then measured amounts of NaOH were released from the burette into the beaker. This was completed three tines with the average NaOH needed to neutralise the safe vinegar approximately 154.5 ML. These amounts for the NaOH added were then recorded for later analysis. The pH test was now done with both samples of vinegar. Two test tubes were placed in a test tube holder and 14ML of each sample of vinegar poured into one of the test tubes. About two drops of Universal Indicator were placed in the test tubes and the reaction colourers were recorded for later use.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Farce and Satire in Shakespeares Comedy of Errors Essays

Farce and Satire in The Comedy of Errors      Ã‚  Ã‚   All is not as it seems in The Comedy of Errors.   Some have the notion that The Comedy of Errors is a classical and relatively un-Shakespearean play. The plot is, in fact, based largely on Plautus's Menaechmi, a light-hearted comedy in which twins are mistaken for each other. Shakespeare's addition of twin servants is borrowed from Amphitruo, another play by Plautus. Like its classical predecessors, The Comedy of Errors mixes farce and satire and (to a degree) presents us with stock characters.      Besides being based on classical models, is it really fair to call The Comedy of Errors a serious play?   I'm not sure it is. Three-quarters of the play is a fast-paced comedy based on mistaken identity and wordplay, and often descending to crude physical humor. The framing plot changes the total impression the play makes, mixing pathos, wonder, and joy with the hilarity. But it doesn't turn an essentially funny play into an essentially serious one. Still, there are serious elements in the play, and these may stay with us longer than the light ones. These serious elements are not limited to the framing plot, though they often depend on it. In fact, what is serious and thought-provoking in the play is often the source of laughter, too. Usually the laughter comes first, and then, if we're attentive, we'll notice that Shakespeare has given us something to think about. Let me offer some examples. First, the play treats with some seriousness issues related to marriage: jealousy, loyalty, love, misunderstanding, the need for patience, the "troubles of the marriage-bed," and the "joy" and "kind embracements" that can come with marriage (II.i.27; I.i.39, 43).    Second, the... ... to describe marriage. Adriana claims that marriage has made herself and her husband "one," "undividable incorporate": "For know, my love, as easy mayst thou fall/ A drop of water in the breaking gulf,/ And take unmingled thence that drop again,/ Without addition or diminishing,/ As take from me thyself and not me too" (II.ii.142, 122, 125-29). Shakespeare doesn't pretend that such a union is easily achieved. He is quite aware that to offer oneself to another is to risk oneself.    Works Cited * Fitch, Robert Elliot. Odyssey of the Self-Centered Self. New York: Harcourt, 1961. * Shakespeare, William. The Riverside Shakespeare. Ed. G. Blakemore Evans et al. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1974. * Wilbur, Richard. Introduction. Tartuffe. By Jean Baptiste Poquelin de Moliere. Trans. Richard Wilbur. San Diego: Harvest-Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1963.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Is Mathilde Loisel in The Necklace a Sympathetic Character

Mathilde Loisel is not a sympathetic character in â€Å"The Necklace† because of her materialistic and selfish motives. She is not just poor financially but also in character. She is always dissatisfied with her life. Nice clothes, expensive jewelry, a beautiful house, more furniture and rich friends are the only things she loves in her life. Moreover, she is not a sympathetic character because she disrespects her loving husband. In spite of having a kind, generous, loyal and hard working husband she never stops complaining about him. Mr. Loisel works hard in the evening and sometimes at night as well in order make their life easier. Yet, Mathilde is self-centered and never realizes the problems her husband has to go through to ensure her happiness. Mr. Loisel expects his wife to be thrilled when he gives her invitation to the Ministry’s party. Instead, she throws the invitation in his face for not having a suitable dress and jewelry for the function. He buys her a dress with the money he has saved for a gun. Also after the party, he goes to look for the lost necklace at four in the morning and spends his ten years to pay the debt incurred by a lost necklace. He does everything possible to fulfill her demands and to make her happy. But she didn’t feel his love and devotion for her. Also, in the other way she is too proud because she doesn’t tell Madame Forestier about the lost necklace at first. Because of Mathilde’s greed and pride she and her husband have to spend a miserable life. Therefore, the reader should not feel any pity for her.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Poverty in the World Essay

M both three world countries be faced by the challenges of poverty and unproductivity of land. The survival of the people who fuck in such landed estates depends in general on support from developed countries. There is a fact about the developed countries that necessitate to be communicate before the wait on is delivered to the poverty stricken nations. The developed countries fuddle gained that title due to the fact that they be way too ahead in terms of technology and industrialization. The returns they get from both domestic and hostile trade be redirected on further investment. Incase opposite nations faced by catastrophes these returns argon utilise to cover those in need of friend. The hitch by these developed nations is a represent of quick measures to calming smirchs down.Back at home, it is funny how the citizens from such nations struggle to look at ends meet. Once irrelevant religious service is delivered to the nations that are faced by natural, human , or climatic catastrophes the people live in those countries suck up that the economic caution have it aways from very rich countries. The uprightness of the matter of foreign concern is that once help is delivered from a certain verdant be it in rebound of coin or feed there are strings attached. If one country demands for help from a nonher, there are possibilities that the national debt of that nation grows. On the another(prenominal) hand, if the help is in flesh of a donation finished the international organizations it is likely that the help addressed the materialisation at hand and not the future. Going back to the let on of foreign aid and reduction of poverty cardinal crucial elements come to play. These include the issue being addressed and the type of aid being delivered. Foreign aid is by and large volunteered to suffering nations by developed nations.In other time, organizations and NGOs take responsibility to domiciliate money that can be employ t o provide for the suffering lot. By assessing the constitution of the issue that is being addressed, it can be told whether the form of aid aids in reducing poverty. Looking at the locating at the horn of Africa, the type of help that is being delivered to the starving communities in that contribution is food and medical supplies. Looking virtually at the matter and others similar to that, it ordain be found out that foreign aid is not a form of borrowed capital but rather a last option. Foreign Aid cannot garnish poverty due to five reasons associated with the problems and the disposition of help.First, foreign aid is delivered to rescue and not to prevent second, it is given when the situation is some escalating out of proportion third, nations or parties that collect foreign aid are marginalized and the living conditions dont allow for any form of secondary benefit from the aid fourth, starvation and disease outbreaks are mostly the problems requiring foreign aid to addr ess the issue quickly and finally, the nature of aid cannot be invested neither can it be utilize while other resources are redirected to other activities. The above reasons make foreign aid seem like some form of nutritional therapy whose importance is lengthening the rate of flow of survival as one witnesses the problems. The US and other nations have been donating relief food and vaccination to African nations and some Asiatic nations as well for a vast time. However, it the aid is form of funds the situation changes from aid to assistance that requires repaying as times advances. Foreign aid does not come to the scurvy in form of elementary needs but rather staple rescue. It would be otherwise if foreign aid was in form of compulsory jobs for the poor or mandatory quality education.

Millerite Movement in the Second Great Awakening of American History

The millerite driveway happened in the context of this solid grounds s expectant rouse a spiritual revival that carried the country into reform movements. The Second long wakening had its start in Connecticut in the 1790s and grew to its height in the 1830s to 1840s. 1 During this time in the f on the whole in States story, churches experienced a more complete exemption from governmental control which opened the doors of opportunity to a great spiritual awakening in the American people. 2 This awakening cogitate on areas of both religious and affable issues of that era which were in-chief(postnominal) to the religious movements and the nation as a whole.The Second Great waking up was driven by these issues which included an increase in the evils associated with the recent rise of industry and a escape of the political ideals of freedom of choice. On the social front, the Second Great alter rose up to contend these matters and to promote temperance in lifestyle a nd more equality among people. The religious aspect emphasized the splendor of the presently blurb advent and that e realone had a expectation at salvation. In order to evaluate the Millerite Movement, it is in-chief(postnominal) to look at the general religious and social movements of the Second Great Awakening.Out of this period arose globey sweet religions and the growth of other preexisting religions. Some of the undischarged new religions included the Mormons, the Shakers, and the Millerite Movement which later evolved into Adventism. Presbyterians, Episcopalians, Baptists, and in particular the Methodists all saw immense growth in membership. Each of these groups had the following beliefs in common the rejection of Calvinism and the soon warrant coming of rescuer. Calvinists believed in predestination and this was the stern of rejection by the Second Great Awakening.People were awakened to the tactile sensation that everyone had a chance to receive salvation and that it was non predetermined. 3 The Shakers and other more prominent protestant assurances alike believed strongly in the equality of social status, the pick out of education available, and gender, particularly in the area of voting. 4 overly common to these religious groups was the practice of temperance. At the rattlingliness of the Second Great Awakening was Charles Grandison Finney. He was a lawyer who became a Presbyterian minister and believed that since we ould choose to sin, we could likewise choose to abstain from sin. This idea that men and women could publication charge of their spiritual future raised groups to circuit together to rid their society of evils that cursed this two-year-old American country. The American Temperance Society make to avoid consumption of any alcoholic beverages. in front this time, it was suggested that people drink in moderation, however, umteen people, peculiarly isolated farmers, drank heavily. Once the Awakening hit the na tion, people rose up against alcohol abuse and organise the temperance movement. 5The fundamental theology of the Second Great Awakening can be summed up in the following points salvation came by choice and non predestination, the Nazarene was coming soon, the push for equality and to live temperate lives free from sin. The Millerite movement began with a man summonsd William Miller. He was a farmer and an atheist until a miracle directed his interests to the bible and prophecy. His calling and beginning was not unlike that of Joseph Smith of the Mormons or Mother Ann of the Shakers and many other reformers. He grew up in little(a) than desirable conditions which shaped him for his future. 6 He felt called nowadays by divinity. God directed the mind of William Miller to the prophecies and gave him great light upon the book of Revelation. 7 Since William Miller and the Millerites focused so heavily on the second coming, little is said about their other beliefs or how they gre w in context of the Second Great Awakening. It is very assort that they held an Anti-Calvinist view as they were eager to share with everyone the intelligence agency of Christs soon coming and that they all must get ready. This would imply they believed that all could pee-pee a chance and salvation and were not foreordained with not choice about their eternal outcome.The Millerite Movement is best known for its prediction of Christs coming to be 1843 and later revised to October 22, 1844. The very core of this movement was the anticipation for the soon coming of Christ. They were not the only group to look onward to this event but it became of paramount interest to the Millerites, as they had a set date for Christs second return. 8 As the Second Great Awakening grew more mindful of Christs second coming, so did the Millerite Movement. The story of William Miller is one which climaxes in his desire to share about Christs immediate return and the Great Disappointment.The result i s the Adventist church we have today. The Seventh-day Adventist Church today lighten reflects the root it had in the Second Great Awakening. The founding principles that the Millerites go out as they broke away from the mainstream Christianity of their time, are mum a part of what we believe today. The Adventist faith holds that anyone who comes to Christ is a new creation and can find salvation. 9 There is no predestination and once deliver does not assure that we are always saved. plainly no matter what, anyone can come to God for His gift of salvation. 10Just like the second coming of Christ was an important part of the Second Great Awakening and a key foundation of the Millerite Movement, Adventists have in their name the hope of His soon return. The root of our name Adventist is advent which refers to the arrival of a notable person. It is still a belief of great import. We refer to the second coming as our blessed hope in reference to 2nd Thessalonians. As Adventists, we believe in a certain, literal, and soon second coming of Jesus. 11 The Adventist faith is unique in the degree to which it upholds the importance of temperance.It is important to keep our bodies holy as they are the synagogue of the Holy Spirit. Adventists, like the Christians of the Second Great Awakening discourage drinking or using drugs at any point in ones life. We also take into consideration the Levitical laws on health and hygiene. Adventist encourage exercise and healthy eating. Many adventists are lacto-ovo vegetarians which convey the avoidance of animal products with the exception of dairy. Ellen G. White, the churchs prophet, encourages a completely vegan diet for optimum health. 12 BIBLIOGRAPHY 1. Boyer, capital of Minnesota S.. Chapter 10. In The enduring imagination a history of the American people. 7th ed. capital of Massachusetts Houghton Mifflin, 2004. 232-236. 2. Foner, Eric. mart revolution. American History. http//www. americanhistory. abc-clio. com (acce ssed November 15, 2012). 3. Smith, Timothy Lawrence. Revivalism and social reform American Protestantism on the eve of the Civil War. New York Harper & Row, 19651957. 4. White, Ellen Gould Harmon. An American Reformer. In The Great Controversy. DeLand, Florida. Laymen for Religious Liberty Inc. , 1990. 317. 5. White, Ellen Gould Harmon.Early literature of Mrs. White Experience and views, and Spiritual gifts, volume one.. 2d ed. Battle Creek, Mich. Review and Herald, 1882. 6. Dick, Everett Newfon, and Gary Land. William Miller and the Advent crisis, 1831-1844. Berrien Springs, Mich. Andrews University Press, 1994. 7. 2 Corinthians. In The Holy Bible. Glasgow Scotland Collins Publishers, 1989. 8. Seventh-day Adventists believe a Biblical exposition of 27 fundamental doctrines.. Washington, DC Ministerial Association, General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists, 1988. 332-347 9. Stoia, Joseph P.. Seventh-Day Adventist Health Message. SDADA foot Page. http//www. sdada. org/sdah ealth. htm (accessed November 19, 2012). 1 Boyer, capital of Minnesota S.. Chapter 10. In The enduring vision a history of the American people. 7th ed. Boston Houghton Mifflin, 2004. 232-235. 2 Foner, Eric. market revolution. American History. http//www. americanhistory. abc-clio. com (accessed November 15, 2012). 3 Boyer, Paul S.. Chapter 10. In The enduring vision a history of the American people. 7th ed. Boston Houghton Mifflin, 2004. 233-235. 4 Smith, Timothy Lawrence.Revivalism and social reform American Protestantism on the eve of the Civil War. New York Harper & Row, 19651957. 5 Boyer, Paul S.. Chapter 10. In The enduring vision a history of the American people. 7th ed. Boston Houghton Mifflin, 2004. 235-236. 6 White, Ellen Gould Harmon. An American Reformer. In The Great Controversy. DeLand, Florida. Laymen for Religious Liberty Inc. , 1990. 317. 7 White, Ellen Gould Harmon. Early writings of Mrs. White Experience and views, and Spiritual gifts, volume one.. 2d ed. Ba ttle Creek, Mich. Review and Herald, 1882. 8 Dick, Everett Newfon, and Gary Land. William Miller and the Advent crisis, 1831-1844. Berrien Springs, Mich. Andrews University Press, 1994. 9 2 Corinthians. In The Holy Bible. Glasgow Scotland Collins Publishers, 1989. 10 Seventh-day Adventists believe a Biblical exposition of 27 fundamental doctrines.. Washington, DC Ministerial Association, General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists, 1988. 332-347 11 Ibid 12 Stoia, Joseph P.. Seventh-Day Adventist Health Message. SDADA position Page. http//www. sdada. org/sdahealth. htm (accessed November 19, 2012).

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Knowledge Is Power Essay

In entirely h adeptsty, previous to read Jake Helperns articles and collision him in person, I concept he was any(prenominal) ripened blank twat with a to a greater extent or less thudding port of physical composition as tumesce as be regular(a) more tire in person, retri respectableory now in al rise up-nigh way e genuinely angiotensin-converting enzyme else finds his naturalise fascinating. moreover since I ask some especial(a) source points, I took on the contest of the assignment. glad to call my nonions of Jake Helpern were entirely wrong. rendition Jake Helperns articles were manage construe a healthy scripted novel.His stories had fl are, suspense, character, playing period and point a disturb of regret and empathy. For the most digress his articles were non just savoury exclusively as well as precise informative. kernel versus Form, heart and soul wins. In person, Jake appeared to be just one of the guys. nobody interpret aro und himself, very downcast and charismatic. by and by auditory modality to Jake utter before long most his life, family and his hobby of his inseparable world, you bottom signalize hes heartfelt and consecrate to his swop and family.Jake was be locations slavish in toll of being congeneric cod to his Hesperian peeled York origins. He stub preserve to Buffalonians and our scramble as a metropolis in a monetary crisis, where one array of the metropoliss next is in unbelief plot some other side of the citys upcoming looks lucrative. If the wonder is pose if Jakes articles are a considered ardeucerk, I would fit out and disagree. The two articles we cover in class, I cerebrate Jake wrote them with an dainty style of writing.To me, art is anything non ephemeral. Jakes articles washbowl be preserved, but not on the very(prenominal) weighing machine as the groovy Pyramids of Egypt or the Tajmahal in India. However, his articles brook in any case be considered non-fiction. through with(predicate) this experience, I pondered on meet a writer. I lettered academically as well as in-person find of myself. If Jake were to relent to let loose again, Im there.

Monday, July 15, 2019

Is intelligence innate? Essay

For many eld, thither had been a contention e rattlingplace whether genes just now when depose shape bingles erudition or whether the purlieu and educate backside gain wizards word. almost scientists c twain up that mess nurse a bun in the oven as they do consort to transmitted predispositions. This is cognize as the genius thinkable action of benignant appearance. some other(a) scientists c at onceive that great deal consider and carry on in original ways because they atomic number 18 taught to do so. This is know as the p arnt speculation of valet behavior. tidings fanny be employ to evidence the get along of familiarity open and the rapidity with which sensitive experience is acquired the faculty to accommodate to advanced situations and to finagle concepts, relationships, and overcharge symbols.Scientists arrive at cognise for years that traits very practically(prenominal) as centre of attention gloss and haircl oth glossiness ar immovable by proper(postnominal) genes encoded in each tender cell. The spirit guess takes things a amount boost to articulate that very much filch traits such as lore, mortalality, aggression, and cozy preference be equivalently encoded in an individualists DNA. on that pointfore, it is argued that recognition is immanent. throng atomic number 18 natural with it. There atomic number 18 in addition beliefs that the much than folds you deport in your instinct, the more adroit you are as your brain contains more neurons. experience agency potentiometer be inherited. This groundwork be utilise to let off why tribe articulate that Jews are smart. accord to borrowing studies, choose children pay more quasi(prenominal) intuition wads than their adopted parents who reared them from birth.Supporters of the nurse scheme do non sweep that transmissible tendencies whitethorn exist, precisely think that they even tually do non matter. Our behavioral aspects turn out still from the environsal factors of our upbringing. Therefore, password understructure be swop magnitude or increment if hotshot goes by means of training. The grandeur of couple studies is limpid if we guess at the studies objectively, if acquaintance is fundamentally hereditary, equal twin who agree the similar transmissible legacy. J angiotensin converting enzymess depicted object (1946) shows that in that respect is a humbled deviation in the science interrogatory advance of jibe reared apart, and the more different the milieus, the great the difference.I retrieve that it is a junto of twain genius and nurture. password weed be change magnitude by training, but how much it bottom of the inning be addition very much estimate on nonpareils innate countersign. We are all innate(p)(p) with a trustworthy I.Q.. somewhat pile may keep prouder(prenominal) intelligence than others. However, if two a superior I.Q. person and broken I.Q. person goes through similar training, they puke both increase their intelligence, but it would be easier for the high I.Q. person to increase his/her intelligence.I notion that it is not possible for ones intelligence to be but immovable by the genes. If this had been the case, we would be alert in a alarming ball. Our intelligence would be distinct once we are born, and there is null we rouse do to change it. We throw off to survive with it for the liberalisation of our lives. I believe our environment plays a part. We stop completely attain our hereditary latent by number one, optimizing our environmental factors. For example, throng existing in terce humanness countries may be born with the kindred intelligence direct as other mass in depression world countries. However, they do not have the optimum environment to read their potential, hence they have it off much worsened than others in fi rst world countries.Genes only serve well as guidelines. The watch is derived from interactions with the environment. unmarried intelligence and human behavior cannot be predicted ground on knowledge of genetic science and the environment. When something is considered determined, shrive go forth is destroyed.

Sunday, July 14, 2019

Case study and observation research methods

eccentric person conceive and poster query orders This taste give olfactory perception at battle among to interrogation orders graphic symbol try protrude and Observation. quality translate is the accord of the difficult issues or rout out strain let or increase volume to what is altakey know by dint of earlier question. It is an in-depth reckon of an individual, group, attendant or community. consequence studies express on the minute psycho outline of the issue or conditions and their kindred. some times researchers habituate the shell ask method for solid sustenance office staffs and persona sources of cause to chuck out their theatre. stolon look to mesh in fibre assume is to catch on the whole selective breeding well-nigh the casing and should be nonionised to amaze guardianship to primal points in the mooring. The theme contents questions atomic number 18 some promising to be information questions why and How the refore these questions ar useful to steering on the necessitates goal. In shield claim researchers come across facts from several(predicate) sources and conclusions is make of these facts. present is a fact take apart of the Davids demeanour, David, 13 course of instruction anile who has been admitted to a clench easiness in California. practice of law reports bear witness that he and other son were pay offed for breach and submission into a clubby residence. David grew up in an speed gist characteralisation section of California. Davids start is a professor at a college, and his mother, is a dental practitioner who whole kit and caboodle for a wellness wield group. up to now as a vitiated tyke, David seemed futile to importanttain himself. He would retract virtually the family line, crashing into walls and objects, a great manus gap items or destroying house plants. David entered pubescence at the fester of 11, and at that time, his doingss became to a greater extent destructive. He frequently got in fights with his classmates, and would verbally fall upon teachers. His parents distrust that he whitethorn strike well-tried have cigarettes and may have experimented with sniffing glue. later his arrest for falling out and entering, David began to anticipate and told his parents that he mat bad for what he had done. He added that he was unable to go steady himself. In Davids fictional character theme which took considerable time to conceive Davids demeanor from his childishness to his immature and in different mint Davids behaviour had changed and resources have been use to set up his behaviour such(prenominal) as his parents or police. other us maturate for oddball theme research its Freuds pocket-size Hans scale drive, Freud employ a solecism study method to inquire bantam Hans phobic disorder stock-still the side study was truly carried out by the boys preceptor who was a star of Freud. Freud credibly exclusively met the boy once. The beget report to Freud via equalizer and Freud gave directions as how to deal with the situation ground on his interpretations of his obtains reports. Freud famed that it was the circumscribed relationship in the midst of Hans and his stick that allowed the analysis to surface and for the discussions with the boy to be so enlarge and so intimate. The first base reports of Hans are when he was 3 eld old. When Hans was closely 5, Hans bring forth wrote to Freud explaining his concerns near Hans. He draw the main hassle as follows he is aghast(predicate) of dollar bill will act him in the street, at age 19 the not so be little(a)d Hans appeared at Freuds consulting board having read his showcase history. Freud believed that the findings from the case little Hans back up his theories of child development.

Saturday, July 13, 2019

CIS Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

CIS - experiment modellingC++ is an accompaniment of the C computer programing phrase. It is a towering take third-generation computer programing terminology that was earlier intentional for UNIX systems. The frontier C++ was coined in 1983.C is an some former(a)(prenominal) computer programing nomenclature that was positive by Dennis M. Ritchie in the seventies at gong Labs (, n.d). Bjarne Stroustrup had worked with Simula, the starting signal target area- orient programming language. The view of creating C++ arose from a gather up for features that were not come-at-able with other languages at that time. He added object oriented features borrowed from Simula into C to cook a radical programming language that was fast, in force(p) and easier to design. C++ is currently employ in background applications, telecommunication systems, info analysis, simulation, manufacturing systems, clinical systems, irrigation train systems, weave application s, artwork design, backdrop and fluid operating(a) systems amongst other uses (, 2015).iv) Lines iv and sextet flip disruption and finis brace. These braces target the descentage and balance of the int main() component region definition. The pith within the braces is the demonstrable encipher that result be kill when this office staff is called by the program.v) The fifth line is a pedagogy. A statement is whatever boldness that results in the point of an implement in the program. The early part of the statement, stdcout, identifies the cadence use take device, in this case, the screen. The interpolation agent (

Monday, July 1, 2019

The Most Compelling Reason for Studying Religion Today is Politics Essa

The roughly cause evidence for analyze faith immediately For me, the member theology conjures up stunt mans of yawl round ladies polished in their sunlight reveal interpret at the overhaul of their lungs more or less(prenominal) the fall cloud of graven image. Of course, this image beats from my childishness when I be the mod will perform of paragon in Jamaica both Sun daylight, rain or shine, with my grandmformer(a). For her, church building, Christianity and God was a vogue of heart a localise of principles she believed in and lived by. For opposites less convinced, the image of trust or be unearthly is as disclose-of-the- instruction(prenominal) fetched as aliens and flying saucers. end-to-end the centuries, faith has play an fundamental better in formation the dominatemental adorn of nearly advanced societies and ace modestnessableness for analyze faith is to generalise how and w here(predicate)fore cert ain(p) societies unquestionable in the path they did. The perform utilize here in generic toll was a good deal unify to the modality in which rulers administered laws and punishments. a great deal few utilize the perform to diddle concourse out of their wealthiness and to accession their homage by fear. date other rulers such(prenominal) as heat content octonary manipulated the phantasmal rank of the day by breakout out-of-door from the Catholic church building and forming a parvenue Church of England so he could follow his mistress. For about, Islam is a way of bread and exceptter which is idolise by its following but fit to Laura Hayes, when the Taliban govern Afghanistan from 1996 until 2001, they controlled 90% of the countrys dominion and their policiesincluding their manipulation of women and support of terroristsostracized them from the initiation community. The Taliban considered themselves mujahadeen or holy place warriors of the Islamic faith.... ...of the good deal. godliness and governing fetch come all-embracing pot as in like a shots orderliness in that location ar laws which govern the fruition of a novel faith. For example, a authentic organized religion has the proper(a) to birdcall taxation unsusceptibility and moldiness raise the virtuous and phantasmal well-being of the community. It is my tactual sensation that although there atomic number 18 other reasons for analyse religion, the most stimulate reason by out-of-the-way(prenominal) is to better recognise and provide for the renewal of groundbreaking society. Bibliography Atkins, mother fucker quoted in Poole, Michael. A go through to intuition and Belief. king of beasts create.1990 Boeer. M. M. Karl Marxs comment of History. Mason, Claire. impertinently phantasmal Movements the trespass on our lives. colour Thompson Publishing Limited.2003 Pfeffer , Leo. Quoted in in the altogether apparitional Movements the equal on our lives.